Name: Jeannie Hedge
Name of Business: Consultant with Beautycounter
Length of time in business: 6 years
Number of kids (and ages): I have a 25 year old daughter and a 22 year old son
Pets: One of each!
Before starting this career, I had a career as a: Freelance market researcher working with advertising agencies in NYC
I started my business because:
When Beautycounter launched 6 years ago, I had the opportunity to hear the CEO and
founder, Gregg Renfrew, speak. She was doing something about an issue that I had
been concerned about for years – addressing the fact that the personal care industry in
the US essentially functioned like the Wild West - with little to no regulation and no
acknowledgment of the links between certain chemicals and the increase in serious
illness and other health-related conditions that we’ve seen in the last 40 years.
I was in a transition phase in my life and trying to decide whether to try and re-enter the
advertising world. I was so inspired by Gregg that day, though, I jumped at the chance
to join this movement...despite the fact that selling was never something I saw myself
doing. It was a leap but I have no regrets.
What I love most about what I do now is: It combines my passion for advocacy
with the opportunity to educate people about harmful chemicals in beauty products.
Happily, I can recommend safer alternatives.
As a company, one of our goals is to advocate for more health-protective laws on a
local, state and federal level. We’ve had considerable success so far though there is still
a long way to go.
The biggest challenge I faced was: Getting over my reluctance to sell
The other challenge when you’re self-employed and working from home is being
disciplined with your time.
I overcame that challenge by: PRACTICE! Seriously, I came to realize that people
are open to learning about how to make safer choices for themselves and their families.
There are so many things we can’t control in life. By making informed decisions about
the products we put on our bodies (as well as the products we use to clean our houses
and the food choices we make) we can do something positive.
Having a business in Rye is great because: I felt like I knew so many people in
town having had two kids go through the school system, but through this business, I’ve
gotten to know so many more incredible people. That’s been an unexpected gift.
My website is:
Interested in writing a blog entry? Email me at
